Men of a light machine gun squad, 4th Platoon, 'B' Company, 399th Infantry Regiment move through the woods in March, 1945.

Men of a light machine gun squad, 4th Platoon, 'B' Company, 399th Infantry Regiment move through the woods in March, 1945.

Men of a light machine gun squad, 4th Platoon, 'B' Company, 399th Infantry Regiment move through the woods in March, 1945.

Men of a light machine gun squad, 4th Platoon, 'B' Company, 399th Infantry Regiment move through the woods in March, 1945.

Men of a light machine gun squad, 4th Platoon, 'B' Company, 399th Infantry Regiment set up their 1919A6 in March, 1945.

Men of a light machine gun squad, 4th Platoon, 'B' Company, 399th Infantry Regiment set up their 1919A6 in March, 1945.

Men of a light machine gun squad, 4th Platoon, 'B' Company, 399th Infantry Regiment set up their 1919A6 in March, 1945.

Men of a light machine gun squad, 4th Platoon, 'B' Company, 399th Infantry Regiment set up their 1919A6 in March, 1945.

Men of a light machine gun squad, 4th Platoon, 'B' Company, 399th Infantry Regiment set up their 1919A6 in March, 1945.

Men of a light machine gun squad, 4th Platoon, 'B' Company, 399th Infantry Regiment set up their 1919A6 in March, 1945.

Men of a light machine gun squad, 4th Platoon, 'B' Company, 399th Infantry Regiment set up their 1919A6 in March, 1945.

Men of a light machine gun squad, 4th Platoon, 'B' Company, 399th Infantry Regiment set up their 1919A6 in March, 1945.

Men of a light machine gun squad, 4th Platoon, 'B' Company, 399th Infantry Regiment set up their 1919A6 in March, 1945.

Men of a light machine gun squad, 4th Platoon, 'B' Company, 399th Infantry Regiment set up their 1919A6 in March, 1945.

Men of a light machine gun squad, 4th Platoon, 'B' Company, 399th Infantry Regiment set up their 1919A6 in March, 1945.

Men of a light machine gun squad, 4th Platoon, 'B' Company, 399th Infantry Regiment set up their 1919A6 in March, 1945.

Men of a light machine gun squad, 4th Platoon, 'B' Company, 399th Infantry Regiment set up their 1919A6 in March, 1945.

Sgt. Charles McFarlane, Light Machine Gun Squad Leader

Close up lensnatic compass

Close up of the ammunition bag carried by the squad leader

Pfc. Joshua Kerner, machine gunner

The machine gunner's pistol and knife

The contents of the machine gunner's gas mask carrier

Pfc. Tom Kelly, assistant machine gunner

The assistant machine gunner's pistol

The contents of the assistant machine gunner's ammunition bag

The assistant machine gunner's knife

The cut down blanket scarf worn by the assistant machine gunner

Pvt. Tyler Newcomer, ammunition bearer

The M1 Carbine ammunition carrier worn by the ammunition bearer

The ammunition bag carried by the ammunition bearer

Copying the late war practice of light cigarettes with captured German currency

Copying the late war practice of light cigarettes with captured German currency

Copying the late war practice of light cigarettes with captured German currency

Copying the late war practice of light cigarettes with captured German currency

Copying the late war practice of light cigarettes with captured German currency

Copying the late war practice of light cigarettes with captured German currency

Copying the late war practice of light cigarettes with captured German currency

Copying the late war practice of light cigarettes with captured German currency

Copying the late war practice of light cigarettes with captured German currency

Copying the late war practice of light cigarettes with captured German currency

Copying the late war practice of light cigarettes with captured German currency

Copying the late war practice of light cigarettes with captured German currency

Copying the late war practice of light cigarettes with captured German currency

Copying the late war practice of light cigarettes with captured German currency

Copying the late war practice of light cigarettes with captured German currency

Copying the late war practice of light cigarettes with captured German currency

Copying the late war practice of light cigarettes with captured German currency

Copying the late war practice of light cigarettes with captured German currency

Copying the late war practice of light cigarettes with captured German currency

A soldier's pocket full of German currency

The aftermath lighting the currency

Taking a break in a drainage ditch

Taking a break in a drainage ditch

Taking a break in a drainage ditch

Taking a break in a drainage ditch

Taking a break in a drainage ditch

Taking a break in a drainage ditch

Taking a break in a drainage ditch

Taking a break in a drainage ditch

Taking a break in a drainage ditch

Taking a break in a drainage ditch

Taking a break in a drainage ditch

Taking a break in a drainage ditch

Taking a break in a drainage ditch

Taking a break in a drainage ditch

Brushing ones teeth

Doing a road march

Doing a road march

Doing a road march

Doing a road march

Making gas mask silencers

Making gas mask silencers

Making gas mask silencers

Making gas mask silencers

Making gas mask silencers

Making gas mask silencers

Making gas mask silencers

Copying the late war practice of light cigarettes with captured German currency

Copying the late war practice of light cigarettes with captured German currency

Copying the late war practice of light cigarettes with captured German currency

Copying the late war practice of light cigarettes with captured German currency

Copying the late war practice of light cigarettes with captured German currency

Copying the late war practice of light cigarettes with captured German currency

Copying the late war practice of light cigarettes with captured German currency

Copying the late war practice of light cigarettes with captured German currency