Left to Right: Bate, Figgy, Steve, Kelly. Maurice Bateridge, Thomas Figge, and Salvatore Elmo pose with Kelly on a school grounds in Waco, Texas. We four were a part of the forty-two men who undertook basic Army training at the Tank Destroyer Replacement Training Center, North Camp Hood, Texas. 31 August 1943 to 11 January 1944.

From 11 to 24 January 1944, with a 13-day delay enroute from Camp Hood, Texas, to Fort George G. Meade, Maryland. Kelly had time at home with Mim.

From 11 to 24 January 1944, with a 13-day delay enroute from Camp Hood, Texas, to Fort George G. Meade, Maryland. Kelly had time at home with Mim.

From 11 to 24 January 1944, with a 13-day delay enroute from Camp Hood, Texas, to Fort George G. Meade, Maryland. Kelly had time at home with Mim.

From 11 to 24 January 1944, with a 13-day delay enroute from Camp Hood, Texas, to Fort George G. Meade, Maryland. Kelly had time at home with Mim.

Waiting assignment at the 90th Replacement Depot at the Wenvoe, Wales. Kelly had a visit by brother Bob and a day off to be together. May 1944.

Waiting assignment at the 90th Replacement Depot at the Wenvoe, Wales. Kelly had a visit by brother Bob and a day off to be together. May 1944.

While waiting for assignment at the 190th Replacement Company. Kelly became the official sign painter. A sample of his work is on the door and on the latrine butt cans handing from his shoulder.

Recreation on Saunton Sands, June 1944 (Note: Postal Card from brother Bob, May 1976, after 32 years, pictures the same background hotel and buildings.

Schoenberg Woods. Our defensive positions overlooking German-held Bitche, France. 16-31 December 1944.

College de Bitche. From here Kelly, with Sgt. LeRoy Cote, Pvts Inman and Satoski, and I&R man leave for night patrol. 30 December 1944.

Outpost beyond Schoenburg Woods in the background manned by Kelly and his squad. 17-23 December 1944.

Schoenburg Woods, 1 January 1945. Foxhole built by Kelly, S/Sgt Rober Cramer, and Pfc. Tom Callahan. Called from here to defend the company command post, we never returned for our personal things.

The "Farmhouse" Command Post we defended January 1, 1945, until the enemy had us closed in on three sides. Most of our men were killed or captured.

The "Farmhouse" Command Post we defended January 1, 1945, until the enemy had us closed in on three sides. Most of our men were killed or captured.

Views into enemy held territory at Freudenberg Farm defensive positions: Enemy held pillbox in Maginot Line

Views into enemy held territory at Freudenberg Farm defensive positions: Enemy positions at tree line.

The hamlet of Lambach one half mile behind enemy lines. We came off the lines every 14 days for a 5 day rest in reserves. January & February 1945.

The hamlet of Lambach one half mile behind enemy lines. We came off the lines every 14 days for a 5 day rest in reserves. January & February 1945.

The hamlet of Lambach one half mile behind enemy lines. We came off the lines every 14 days for a 5 day rest in reserves. January & February 1945.

A respite from combat. February 18-20, 1945. A 3-day pass to Paris to visit with brother Bob at Chantilly.

A respite from combat. February 18-20, 1945. A 3-day pass to Paris to visit with brother Bob at Chantilly.

A respite from combat. February 18-20, 1945. A 3-day pass to Paris to visit with brother Bob at Chantilly.

Kelly returned to active duty in June 1945 and was billeted in the office of the linen factory in Uhingen, Germany

Unlike combat, occupation duties were performed under better living conditions with clean indoor plumbing facilities.

Pictures found in the linen factory. As in America, the Nazis must have had an "E" for excellence day for the factory workers.

Pictures found in the linen factory. As in America, the Nazis must have had an "E" for excellence day for the factory workers.

Pictures found in the linen factory. As in America, the Nazis must have had an "E" for excellence day for the factory workers.

While Kelly was in the hospital the 399th Infantry Regiment aided in the taking of Heilbronn, Germany. April 1945. These Photos were taken 4 July 1945.

While Kelly was in the hospital the 399th Infantry Regiment aided in the taking of Heilbronn, Germany. April 1945. These Photos were taken 4 July 1945.

While Kelly was in the hospital the 399th Infantry Regiment aided in the taking of Heilbronn, Germany. April 1945. These Photos were taken 4 July 1945.

While Kelly was in the hospital the 399th Infantry Regiment aided in the taking of Heilbronn, Germany. April 1945. These Photos were taken 4 July 1945.

While capturing the Kaserne (German barracks), Kelly's buddy Tony Zuevella was mortally wounded in this doorway.

After the war was ended Kelly had several reunions with Bob. On 7 August 1945 they climbed the hill to ruin Trimberg, near Bad Kissingen, Germany. We took some pictures and had a glass of wine in the ruins.

After the war was ended Kelly had several reunions with Bob. On 7 August 1945 they climbed the hill to ruin Trimberg, near Bad Kissingen, Germany. We took some pictures and had a glass of wine in the ruins.

After the war was ended Kelly had several reunions with Bob. On 7 August 1945 they climbed the hill to ruin Trimberg, near Bad Kissingen, Germany. We took some pictures and had a glass of wine in the ruins.

After the war was ended Kelly had several reunions with Bob. On 7 August 1945 they climbed the hill to ruin Trimberg, near Bad Kissingen, Germany. We took some pictures and had a glass of wine in the ruins.

After the war was ended Kelly had several reunions with Bob. On 7 August 1945 they climbed the hill to ruin Trimberg, near Bad Kissingen, Germany. We took some pictures and had a glass of wine in the ruins.

After the war was ended Kelly had several reunions with Bob. On 7 August 1945 they climbed the hill to ruin Trimberg, near Bad Kissingen, Germany. We took some pictures and had a glass of wine in the ruins.

After the war was ended Kelly had several reunions with Bob. On 7 August 1945 they climbed the hill to ruin Trimberg, near Bad Kissingen, Germany. We took some pictures and had a glass of wine in the ruins.

After the war was ended Kelly had several reunions with Bob. On 7 August 1945 they climbed the hill to ruin Trimberg, near Bad Kissingen, Germany. We took some pictures and had a glass of wine in the ruins.

After the war was ended Kelly had several reunions with Bob. On 7 August 1945 they climbed the hill to ruin Trimberg, near Bad Kissingen, Germany. We took some pictures and had a glass of wine in the ruins.