"Max Haas & Al Urresti. Rest area after capturing Bitche. Took 3 Months to March 16, 1945. Hügelsheim, Germany, March 1945"

"Medical Detachment, 398th Infantry Regiment, US 100th Infantry Division, at the May, 1986, Mystic, Connecticut, Reunion."

"Medical Detachment, 398th Infantry Regiment, US 100th Infantry Division, at the May, 1986, Mystic, Connecticut, Reunion. Left to Right:
Pironti, Ranieri, Smyth, Roswick (1st Battalion)
Cahoon, Herland, Canizzo (3rd Battalion)"

"Medical Detachment, 398th Infantry Regiment, US 100th Infantry Division at the September, 1986, Downingtown, Pennsylvania, Reunion."

"Medical Detachment, 398th Infantry Regiment, 100th Infantry Division, at the May, 1991, Williamsburg, Virginia, Reunion.
Back Row, Left to Right: Freese (1st Bn), Edwalds (1st Bn), Herland (HQ), Ranieri (2nd Bn), Cahoon (2nd Bn), Deforge (2nd Bn), Pollock.
Front Row, Left to Right:
Smyth (2nd Bn), Babbitt (1st Bn), Roswick (1st Bn)"